There are a variety of eye issues that are brought on by smog. People who live in cities with high concetrations of smog have a harder time using contact lenses for long periods of time. Although contac lenses have been perfected over the years, smog does irritate the eyes no matter what kind of contacts you wear.

People interested in having Los Angeles eye surgery are prime examples of individuals who might be concerned about smog and Lasik procedures. Is is possible that having laser eye surgery done in Los Angeles is more complicated and less safe because of the high smog levels?

While smog is always a valid health related concern, it should not affect the outcome of lasik surgery in Los Angeles. Most Los Angeles Lasik eye surgery doctors agree that there is no added risk in having Lasik done in L.A. or any other city with high concentrations of smog. In fact, because smog irritates the eyes and makes contact lenses harder to wear, Lasik eye surgery is a recommended alternative.

Los Angeles eye surgery procedures should be the same as in any other city and provide the same risk factors. There is always some risk in any type of surgery but the Lasik procedure has be perfected to the point where those risks are negligible.